OCG Class
Windstar Cruises
Windstar Cruises
Newest Ship:Wind Surf
Number of Ships:6

All cruise ships let you see the world. Windstar's private yacht style cruises bring you close enough so you can truly experience it. Each of their yachts serves between 148 and 342 guests. This intimacy provides you with the time, space and freedom to immerse yourself in both the journey and the destination. Windstar scours the world for amazing places, then seeks out the most authentic ways to experience them - in ways that are easily absorbed by local cultures rather than intruding on them. Itineraries are port intensive, often with exclusive landfalls larger ships can't access.

Use the Windstar Cruises cruise schedule calendar below to find a Windstar Cruises cruise sailing by destination, departure port, or on a specific Windstar Cruises cruise ship.

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